Monday, February 9, 2009

Halo 3 is the best game ever,but why does the Covenant risk their lives for the floods i don't get it it is useless. The floods are are lame parasites that take peoples bodies and mutate them and their easy to break (except for the floods who change from a spider thing to the giant ones those are crazy).


  1. Dylan, Halo 3 might be a great topic for your blog. I think you should change the title of your blog when you decide on a topic, so that your title reflects your topic.
    ~Ms. Gillis

  2. Dylan, you still need to change the title of your blog so that it reflects the topic, if indeed, Halo 3 is the topic. ~Ms. Gillis

  3. Halo 3?! Your posting is well written.. But Halo 3 is NOT the best game ever. I mean.. The gameplay is alright, it has fun multiplayer, But the graphics are horrible. The grass just sprouts up in random places when you are walking. You have to convince me it is the best :).

  4. halo 3 (tough fun) is definitly NOT the best. As alex said the graphics have alot missin', but the story is epic, and chief is cool.

  5. I think alex is right the graphics are horrible.The game is horrible too. the story suck every thing about it sucks. But still everybody plays day after day on the worst game ever!!!!!

  6. halo 3 (tough fun) is definitely NOT the best. As Alex said the graphics have a lot missing, but the story is epic, M chief is epic to

  7. So, Kane, why does everyone play it "day after day" if the graphics and game are so poor?

    ~Ms. Gillis

  8. personally i know not all your info is right but also alex i think its stupid how the only thing bad thats kinda true about halo 3 is about grass seriously you should learn about it more.
